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Create New SR

Step 1 : Create new SR Request

CLick Planning -> Sourcing Request -> Create New as shown in below picture


Step 2: We can now create new SR Request

We can create new SR Request by filling up the form


Step 2.1 : Address selection

We can add address by selecting the address mapped to theselected company or we can type out custom address as per our requirement.


Step 2.3 : Document Selection

We can add supporting document by selecting relevant files required


Step 2.4 : Supplier Selection

We can choose the suggested supplier from drop down


Step 2.5 : Assignemnt of Approvars and Evaluators

Finally we can complete the form by assigning relavant SR Approvar, Technical Evaluators, RFP creator and remarks Intro

We can continue our understanding of how to add Line items in the following pages